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Enriching our communities

The heart of Micron Gives lies at the intersection of our philanthropy, programs and people.

We understand that people cannot succeed if their basic needs are not met and if systemic barriers to their success exist.

That’s why we provide opportunities for upward mobility through local community empowerment programs.

Investing in community ecosystems

We understand the importance of investing in underrepresented and historically marginalized groups to drive social equity. Across our giving portfolio, we prioritize organizations that focus on increasing opportunities for these populations.

For example, we support organizations that provide job skills training and critical wrap-around services like housing and childcare. And we try to be responsive to local and global emergencies by addressing local community needs and promoting goodwill efforts.

Micron Gives 2022 Year-End Summary

Download summary

Frequently asked questions

What are the funding priorities and initiatives of the Micron Foundation?

The Micron Foundation's primary focus areas are to provide equitable opportunities for underrepresented populations, enrich our communities and increase access to STEM education to create lasting social impact. These priorities are discussed throughout our homepage.

What kinds of organizations can the Micron Foundation support?

The Micron Foundation supports a range of eligible nongovernmental, nonprofit and academic organizations. Eligibility requirements vary by funding opportunity and must align with our primary giving areas.

How does my organization apply for a grant or sponsorship from the Micron Foundation?

The Micron Foundation identifies partners in our site communities through grass roots efforts and other partner interactions. We are not currently accepting unsolicited funding proposals or requests. If your organization aligns with our giving areas, is near one of our Micron sites and you would like to tell us more about it or have questions, submit an inquiry.

Does the Micron Foundation support youth sports teams, school events or fundraisers, or similar activities?

Micron supports these types of causes through our employee giving program. The Micron Foundation matches team member contributions dollar for dollar to qualified nonprofits or schools registered in the Benevity Causes portal. Team members must donate directly via the Micron Gives platform or submit receipts for donations to be matched within the calendar year they are made.

Does the Micron Foundation focus on specific geographic areas?

The Micron Foundation focuses primarily on the communities where Micron team members live and work, but we also work at regional levels, in alignment with our giving strategies, to make a difference.

Does the Micron Foundation give funding directly to individuals in need?

No, the Micron Foundation's funding supports eligible nonprofit organizations and schools; it is not for individuals.


2022 year-end summary

Learn more about how we have helped our communities.

Download our 2022 report



The Micron Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Private Nonoperating Foundation. The IRS Form 990 is an annual information return.

2021 990PF Micron Foundation
